Fructis Garnier Coupon Full-Page Ads
Fructis Garnier full-page ads come in the Sunday newspaper approximately once a month. The ads are more poster-like than they are coupon ads, though! I'm sure my son would love to have one of these beautiful ladies on his wall!The first ad below was from September, 2009. The blond in the photo is actually the same model who models black hair ads. And, we think the hair is actually computer generated, thus she doesn't even dye her hair, just smiles! This ad is emphasizing Garnier Fructis Triple nutrition shampoo and treatments.

Fructis Garnier Wallpaper
The photo below actually contains the same model in the Garnier Fructis advertisement above. Again, the emphasis on the New Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition conditioner and shampoo. The Garnier Fructis coupon, though, was for ANY Garnier shampoo, conditioner, or treatment.
Garnier Nutrisse Coupons
The ad below is for Garnier Nutrisse Coupons. It's another full-page Garnier ad but they got away for advertising the Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition Shampoo and now tried the Garnier Nutrisse coupon ad. The tagline is "Why are Nutrisse Blondes always better?" Well, they don't give us an answer other than "Because Nourished hair means better color." Garnier Nutrisse hair dyes don't carry the Fructis name like the shampoos and treatments do.
Garnier Nutrisse Coupon
fructis garnier hair products
Here's a coupon for Garnier Fructis Style coupon. These Garnier Frutis Style coupons were in the Sunday ads in October, 2009. Their claim to fame is being a 24 hour anti-humidity hairspray. 90% humidity isn't a problem for this product! See the Garnier Fructis hairspray coupon page belowGarnier Fructis Hairspray Coupons

Fructis Garnier Hair Products
Finally, we have a full-page ad for Garnier Skin Renew Radience Regimen coupon. These are not Garnier hair products, rather this Garnier skin products targets wrinkles to keep skin young and "to wake up skin's radiance." Beware because some of these products are in the red, not green containers. The $1.00 came out in October, 2009. This could be Garnier wallpaper, though not as artistic as some other ads we've seen from Garnier.